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Flux Developments
Design + Build
Complete two-storey home renovation and rear addition
Square footage
Square footage (addition)
Dale Darcy

Nestled in the heart of vibrant Swansea neighbourhood, this home was uniquely tailored to a modernist who recently moved into this connected community. With a design focused on materiality and form, we reimagined a dated two-storey home by repurposing three of the existing main-floor brick walls and cladding the new second storey in fibre cement, along with a rear extension in black metal.

The colour and geometry of the new interior design liberates it from the original segmented, dark and confined structure. Interior detailing, transparent partitions, large openings, and custom millwork solutions elevate this home from dull to creative, compartmentalized to free-flowing. Not only does the home boast a matte black kitchen for a timeless look but it also has a separate 770-square-foot basement with its own rear entrance for potential rental income.

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Flux Developments
194 Garden Avenue
Toronto, ON
M6R 1H7